
  • Dewi Wahyuni


Nowadays deviant behaviors among adolescents are getting diverse and increase in number.
It is assumed that the root cause of this phenomenon lies on the attachment problem with
their parents. The condition of attachment in the early stage of human development has
impacts not only on the phase of child and adolescent, but also on adult phase. When
adolescents has a history of insecure attachment, which in general comes from a family
having less or no intimacy, they tend to lose affection and care, vulnerable to stress, and feel
insecure. In result, adolescents are difficult to make friends, ill tempered, and aggressive.
Such conditions push them to fall in deviant behaviors. For this reason, secure attachment
to parents should be recovered to prevent deviant behaviors adolescents. Such attachment
is developed from a good family in which parents have important roles to give supervision,
good communication, and involvement in family activities. In addition, parents can act as a
good role model for their children.


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How to Cite

Wahyuni, D. (2019). URGENSI KELEKATAN ORANGTUA-REMAJA DALAM MENCEGAH PERILAKU MENYIMPANG PADA REMAJA. Quantum: Jurnal Ilmiah Kesejahteraan Sosial, 14(2), 111–120. Retrieved from https://ejournal.kemensos.go.id/index.php/Quantum/article/view/1741