Analysis on Exploration Result of Ten Disabled-Friendly Cities

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Gunanto Surjono


The research meant to descibe an analysis on exploration of disabled friendly cities held in ten cities, namely Medan, Padang, Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Denpasar, Balikpapan, dan Pontianak. Disabled friendly cities seen form four indicators. First, public space that deliberately built to support disabled existence. Second, building model (offices and shops) to go in and out for disabled. Third, local government regulation to protect and realize disabled friendly city policy. Fourth, disabled power that can be absorbed in government and privat offices. Fifth, the existence of disabled forum as representative of disabled existence. Data were gathered, first through documentary analysis related to local regulation on disabled. Second, through interview with local official agencies and disabled representative, third through direct observation inthe cities observed in supporting disabled existence. It was found that 50 percent of cities observed having local regulation that support disabled existence, 70 percent having no friendly public space, and only very low percentage all 10 cities observed have not absorbed yet disabled power in government and privat offices. It can be concluded that in all 10 cities observed, the existence of disabled have not been supported adequately, and there was no
associative relation among having local regulation on disabled existence, disabled friendly, and job absorbtion for disabled in goverment and privat offices. It is recommended that The Ministry of Social Affairs should promote the understanding and needs of disabled to local government and people, so they can create positive policy for disabled existence.

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How to Cite
Surjono, G. (2018). Analysis on Exploration Result of Ten Disabled-Friendly Cities. Jurnal Penelitian Kesejahteraan Sosial, 15(2), 179–190.


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Penelitian kualitatif merupakan penelitian yang tidak berkecenderungan mengukur objek yang diteliti, tetapi lebih menekankan pada pengungkapan realitas bentuk konstruksi sosial, kedekatan dengan objek yang diteliti, dan memaknai gejala sosial yang terjadi dari sisi objek yang diteliti dan proses terjadinya gejala sosial tersebut (Denzin, 2014: 4).

Peraturan Pemerintah No. 43 Tahun 1998 tentang Upaya Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Penyandang Cacat (Biro Hukum dan Kepegawaian Departemen Sosial RI)