Social Guides Working Performance in supporting Family Hope Program

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Trilaksmi Udiati


This research is done to know the working performance of social guide working performance in supporting family hope program (PKH). This research is descriptive, the location is choosen purposively based on the consideration that the location is the initial place of PKH. The main data resources are informants (15), who act as social guide of PKH participants and implementor units in district level. The working performance of social guides in supporting PKH analysed by the ability to carry the job and the responsibility in social guiding, and as an implementator units of the preparation and carrying the program. Data are gathered through interview, observation, and documentary analysis. Data are analyzed through qualitative-descriptive technique, grouping working performance in very well, well, enough, and low. The research finds that 86,68 percent of the social guide performance are well, and 86,68 percent are enough in the implementation of their sidejob. It is recommended that the Ministry of Social Affairs (through Directorate of Social Protection and Assurance), though
the program is effective in Bitung Municipality, still 40 percent are haven’t been choosen as PKH participants. It needs also additional personel to entry data, computers procurement, internet connection enhancement, reffering to its high and many services that have to be done. Social guidance and service providers need technical training, and enhancing their welfare through social insurance and assurance program.

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How to Cite
Udiati, T. (2018). Social Guides Working Performance in supporting Family Hope Program. Jurnal Penelitian Kesejahteraan Sosial, 13(4), 401–418.


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