Menguak Budaya Masyarakat Jawa Pencegah Konflik Sosial

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Warto Warto


The study on, Revealing Javanese Community Culture as Social Conflict Prevention, meant to indentify the form and meaning of Javanese community culture in rural area as social conflict prevention. The method used in this research is qualitative that reveal subjective meaning on the subject of social and culture phenomenon happening in some local area. The research was done in Krebet Village, Bantul Regency, as cultural tourism village. Informants were choosen purposivevely, they were key figures who know, understand, and have many informations on culture of local community. Data were gathered through in-depth interview, direct observation, and documentary analysis. Data were analysed descriptively, described the form, meaning, and local culture usefulness in prevention against social conflict. The result showed that to prevent any social conflict the community always used local culture, such as tradition, convention, communal expression, and traditional art. Based on the study was recommended to any related institutions that to set policy and program to eradicate social conflict should syncronize, unite, and vitalize local community culture.

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Cara Mengutip
Warto, W. (2018). Menguak Budaya Masyarakat Jawa Pencegah Konflik Sosial. Jurnal Penelitian Kesejahteraan Sosial, 12(4), 313–326. Diambil dari


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