Sinergi Perguruan Tinggi-Birokrasi-Korporasi (Segitiga Besi Kewirausahaan) untuk Memberdayakan Penduduk Miskin & Pengangguran di Indonesia

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Supadiyanto Supadiyanto


The two twisted complex problems of this nation are poverty and unemployment. The indicators are clear. Statistic data still show the national poverty rate still reaches the limit of 12 percent of the total population, while the unemployment rate is still more than 6 percent of the total labor force. Since the Old Order, New Order, until the Reform Order (even Order Post Reformation later), the problem of unemployment and poverty will remain a sensitive issue and the problems that will never be resolved. This study departs from the author’s interest observation in the field of social realities associated with poverty and unemployment. The type of research method is qualitative, deliberately designed to rely on the study of the relevant literature. Researcher find the concept of “iron triangle entrepreneurshipâ€, which is expected to be a single solution to address social problems such as poverty and unemployment by integrating the higher education institutios, corporation, and bureaucracy. The difficulty of the ruling governments over the years in providing solutions to the problems of unemployment and poverty is due to the coordination factor. Each element of this nation run on its own, there is no synergy and integration among the various elements of society. Students as high education representation, government as representative of bureaucracy, and entrepreneurs as representative of corporation, are three parties holding the key to success in carrying out the policy of “iron triangle entrepreneurshipâ€, as long as they work and move as if it was in his world respectively. In fact, it would be very powerful if the three parties collaborate and work together to give birth to a monumental work that educate the public.

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How to Cite
Supadiyanto, S. (2018). Sinergi Perguruan Tinggi-Birokrasi-Korporasi (Segitiga Besi Kewirausahaan) untuk Memberdayakan Penduduk Miskin & Pengangguran di Indonesia. Jurnal Penelitian Kesejahteraan Sosial, 12(1), 106–116.


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