Kekerasan Seksual oleh Anak Terhadap Anak

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Istiana Hermawati
Ahmad Sofian


This research is aimed to comprehend: socio-economic characteristic of families, perpetrators and victims of child on child sexual abuse; determinant factors that influence children to do child on child sexual abuse; efforts conducted by Social Home Marsudi Putra (which was the institution that handled children deliquency or so-called PSMP) and ChildProtection Institution (LPA) in handling child on child sexual abuse; and to formulate a model of social protection for children who do child on child sexual abuse. The research subjects were 49 children as doers of child on child sexual abuse who were handled by Handayani PSMP, Jakarta, Antasena PSMP, Magelang, Paramita PSMP, Mataram, Todupoli PSMP, Maka ssar and LPA, Yogyakarta. Data were collected by distributing questionnaires, by conducting guided interviews, by carrying out documents study and focus group discussion. Quantitative data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and qualitative data by that of descriptive interpretation. The results showed that the majority of respondents (55%)came from complete families, parents with poor education level and worked as labors with low income. All perpetrators of child on child sexual abuse were male, in between 11-18 years old, and lived with their family and the sexual violence h appened in friends’ houses and in victims’ houses. The form of sexual abuse done were touching / grabbing the sexualvital organ and having sexual intercourse. All sexual abuse victims were male, knew the perpetrators (87%), aged from 5-17 years old and having shy / quiet personality, hyperactive and liked to wear sexy dresses. The sexual abuse happened was 67% containing elements of coercion. The main influencing factor that made children be child on child sexual abuse perpetrators was exposures to Pornography (43%), peer influence (33%) and being victim history (11%). There has been no specific intervention yet as done by PSMP and LPA in handling children of sexual abuse perpetrators. The services conduct ed were as far as fulfilling the general standard of service for Children in conflict against the Law (ABH) and the social creations / initiations of PSMP / LPA managers which were modified in accordance to the reality of each case. Systemic synergism from various concerned parties in handling child on child sexual abuse has not been established yet.
The specific protection models offered are: (1) reducing the internet browsing for children, (2) developing multi-system therapy for child on child sexual abuse perpetrators, (3) enhancing the capacity of social workers, (4) strengthening guidance for child on child sexual abuse perpetrators on community-basis (5) creating synergism between law enforcer and child social protection institutions, and (6) revising legislation changes in handling child on child sexual abuse perpetrators.



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How to Cite
Hermawati, I., & Sofian, A. (2018). Kekerasan Seksual oleh Anak Terhadap Anak. Jurnal Penelitian Kesejahteraan Sosial, 17(1), 1–20.


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