The Impact of Social Assistance toward Aged Social Welfare

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Ruaida Murni


This research is to describe social welfare condition of aged after receiving social assistance seen from social, economic, psychic, and phycical health. Data are gathered throuh interview, focus group discussion, and observation. The main informants are ditermined purposively, ageds recieved assistance and their family who care. Data are analysed through qualitative-descriptive technique. The result shows that the social assistance for neglected aged (ASLUT) brings positive impact on aged social welfare, even on some aged the assistance enable to enhance their social welfare. Aged physical condition who receive social assistance are better because they take medication routinely, able to access health service, and fulfill their food needs. Aged psychological condition receiving assistance are more comfortable and stabil, not anymore worry about their needs, feel needed, able to help family even a little, such as to give sweets money their grandchlidren. Aged social relation with family environment are more harmony, indicated by the increase of family, son and daughter, and neighbours visits, coincide with the fulfilment of their needs and the reduction of physchological burden of their daughter and son, closed family, and neighbours with aged.

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How to Cite
Murni, R. (2018). The Impact of Social Assistance toward Aged Social Welfare. Jurnal Penelitian Kesejahteraan Sosial, 13(3), 251–262.


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