Persepsi Masyarakat terhadap Eksistensi Institusi Penerima Wajib Lapor

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Chulaifah Chulaifah
A. Nururrochman Hidayatullah


This study aims to describe the society perception towards the existence of Mandatory Reporting Recipient Institution. Thisresearch uses a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis technique. Data collection was conducted by spreading out questionnaires to the community, social institution and the organizer of the institution. The location andrespondents of the research were determinated purposively, that is in Medan City, Sumatera Utara Province.Respondents were consisted of 60 people who lived around the 6 IPWL regions and one was from Social Department officer and also one chairman or management of IPWL each from six IPWLs. The data and information collected were analyzed descriptively qualitatively. The result of the research showed that 80 percent of respondents had not understood the IPWL existence yet.  This was because of the lack of program socialization on IPWL to the community. It isrecommended to the Indonesian Republic Ministry of Social to socialize the tasks, roles and functions of IPWL as a rehabilitation managing institution for drugs users to the communitywidely through social service bodies, social media both press and electronic ones.

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How to Cite
Chulaifah, C., & Hidayatullah, A. N. (2018). Persepsi Masyarakat terhadap Eksistensi Institusi Penerima Wajib Lapor. Jurnal Penelitian Kesejahteraan Sosial, 17(1), 61–72.


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