
  • Agus Widiatmo BBPPKS Regional I Sumatera


The government of Indonesia delivers many programs to assist and empowering the poor. There are more than 20 programmes in different areas and conducted by different providers (institutions/sectors) that almost not interrelated and interconnected each other in the field. The condition of that fragmented social services delivery system make every efforts to combating poverty problem was not effective. Whether the differentiation of the regulation of programs, the providers commonly have “their own interest and purposeâ€, while the beneficiaries are still poor. There are three main backgrounds that make the integrated services and referral system is needed, that consist of: constitutional obligation especially on article 34 the fundamental state of law 1945 and the system of national welfare that stated in Law No.11/2009. Two of that law’s backgrounds mandated that social protection is the obligation’s state. The third background suggested the need to reformulate the paradigm of social services delivery, primarily based on the empirical conditions related to social services in Indonesia. Within that frame, the integrated services and referral system becomes very important as an institutional model to integrated social services delivery. It basically push local government to coordinate all providers, work together to integrate their services as a synergy system for poverty eradication. Local government plays important role since Indonesia has developed policy of decentralization where local government may formulate their own policies in developing their area. Therefore, government with community work together to assess the condition of the needed (their social disfunctions) and meet the need in terms of prevention, rehabilitation, development and empowerment, protection of human right and supporting functions, especially related with coordination.

How to Cite

Widiatmo, A. (2020). MEMBANGUN SLRT DALAM PROGRAM PEMBERDAYAAN SOSIAL DAN PENANGGULANGAN KEMISKINAN. Quantum: Jurnal Ilmiah Kesejahteraan Sosial, 16(1), 3–16. Retrieved from