
  • Mirsal Gani


In Indonesia, a set of laws and regulations have been developed to rule how to meet the rights
of the child and how to protect them. But, in fact the prevalence of child abuse is getting
higher. It is not only parents who are responsible in child protection and rights fulfillment,
but also all stakeholders, ranging from extended family, community, school, society, to the
state. However, parents or family should be the first institution in charge to take care, to
educate, to protect, and to make their children grow and develop in accordance with their
gift and propensity. In a nutshell, everything that parents do or not to do should be on the
basis of the best interest of child.


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How to Cite

Gani, M. (2019). PERLINDUNGAN ANAK DARI KEKERASAN. Quantum: Jurnal Ilmiah Kesejahteraan Sosial, 14(2), 134–140. Retrieved from