
  • Yeni Satroma Dewi


Teachers in elementary school (SD) play an important role in giving experiences for students which then may determine their future. The teachers should not give up to deal with the students having problems with task accomplishment in Mathematics unless token economy was applied. This research was then intended to describe the implementation of token economy in accomplishing the students’ task in Mathematics in the fifth grade of SD Negeri 16 Kecamatan Sungayang, Batu Sangkar, West Sumatera. This qualitative research took the strategy of case study involving three students having problems to accomplish their tasks. The data were collected through observation, document review, and interview. The result of this research indicates that the use of token economy could help teachers to deal with the students’ problems. It motivates them to improve the quality of their tasks and to manage time in completing their tasks. Besides, it supports the content mastery service program in tasks accomplishment and other guidance and counseling services. The counselors could collaborate with the subject teachers to develop the students’ behavior and learning quality. This article recommends to the further research concerning the application of token economy in different contexts.


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How to Cite

Dewi, Y. S. (2019). IMPLIKASI TOKEN EKONOMI TERHADAP PENGUASAAN PELAJARAN. Quantum: Jurnal Ilmiah Kesejahteraan Sosial, 14(2), 85–100. Retrieved from