Peran Nurani Astra dalam Penanganan Korban Bencana Alam

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Siti Aminatun


Astra International Limited social responsibility is corporation commitment through putting aside some of its profit for people-in-need social welfare professionally. This study is to describe on several efforts that have been done by Nurani Astra to give social service for natural disaster victims. The approach of the study is descriptive. Data are gathered through interviews and documentary analysis. The study finds that Astra International Limited, through Nurani Astra Program, has done a lot for corporate social responsibility (CSR) through fund distribution. The program reaches directly natural disaster victims through emergency funding, food, and beverage needed by the victims. CSR through Nurani Astra is continued in reconstruction and rehabilitation phases at the effected areas. The program is stated as a vision of Astra International Limited, as a will and philosophy, that the existence of Astra International limited is not just profit oriented but also giving benefit and added value for the nation through economy, social, an environment contribution. Based on the study is recommended that social corporate responsibility should be developed and spreaded out for the people in need, especially CSR from the financially capable.

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How to Cite
Aminatun, S. (2017). Peran Nurani Astra dalam Penanganan Korban Bencana Alam. Jurnal Penelitian Kesejahteraan Sosial, 12(2), 197–206.


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