Fenomena Kekerasan Seksual terhadap Anak di Ranah Domestik dan Upaya Penanganan Korban

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Trilaksmi Udiati
Ani Mardiyati


This study aims to identify and describe objectively the causal factors, the impact of the occurrence of sexual violence against children in the domestic sphere and the effort in handling of victims. The research location which was in Surabaya City, East Java Province, was determined based on data from the National Committee of Women and Children, in which Surabaya had higher level of violence against children than that of in DKI Jakarta. Primary data sources (informants) were victims, victims’ families, community leaders in the neighborhood of victims, Child Welfare Institution (P2TP2A/PPT East Java, Genta, Savy Amira, Surabaya Hotline, and LPA), relevant government officials (City/Provinces, Women’s and Children’s Protection Unit UPPA Polresta Surabaya, the Body of Society Empowerment and Family Planning of the City/Province concerned). Techniques of collecting data from informants are interviews, observation, and documents study. The data was analyzed by using qualitative approach with descriptive interpretation technique. The results of this study concluded that the disclosure of cases on sexual violence in the domestic domain was categorized within the case of domestic home violence, and was not documented in full detail report so that it had not clearly recorded the identity of the perpetrator, the victims, the form of sexual violence, the relationship between the perpetrator and the victims yet. The impartiality of the community or the society, of law enforcers and stakeholders on victims that was considered to be the triggers of sexual violence so that perpetrators could not be charged guilty under the law. There has not been an integrated database yet so that each institution of handling domestic sexual violence has its own data version. It caused the data that was presented was ambiguous or not valid quantitatively. Efforts in handlingdomestic sexual violence either as a prevention or as repressive ones (recovery of victims’ mental, psychological and social condition) need to be improved in its coordination with related parties, especially with the government which functions as a regulator, its coordination and guidance as well as support to institutions handling sexual violence. The need for budget support from District Expenses Budget Allocation (APBD), from Country Expenses Budget Allocation (APBN), and that of from business sectors, from community and family involvement as partners in handling sexual violence.

Article Details

How to Cite
Udiati, T., & Mardiyati, A. (2018). Fenomena Kekerasan Seksual terhadap Anak di Ranah Domestik dan Upaya Penanganan Korban. Jurnal Penelitian Kesejahteraan Sosial, 17(2), 101–114. https://doi.org/10.31105/jpks.v17i2.1413
Author Biography

Trilaksmi Udiati, Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Kesejahteraan Sosial

Trilaksmi Udiati,  lahir di Surabaya, 28 Mei 1960 menyelesaikan  pendidikan di Sekolah Tinggi Kesejahteraan Sosial Bandung (STKS) Sarjana Kesejahteraan  Sosial dengan Pangkat Pembina, IV/a. Peneliti Madya Kepakaran Kesejahteraan Sosial. Beberapa karya ilmiah yang dihasilkan antara lain GELIAT KUBE : Implementasi Program Penanganan Kemiskinan di Kota Banjarmasin, tahun 2014. MENITI KESEJAHTERAAN : Kontribusi Pekerjaan Alternatif terhadap Mobilitas Sosial Petani Miskin, tahun 2015. INSES  di Ranah Domestik, tahun 2016 ; KEKERASAN SEKSUAL Terhadap Anak d i Ranah Publik, tahun 2016.; SECERCAH HARAPAN BAGI KORBAN PENYALAHGUNA NAPZA: Eksistensi Institusi Penerima Wajib Lapor Dalam Rehabilitasi Sosial, tahun 2017 ;Implementasi Pelayanan Kesejahteraan Sosial Terpadu dan Gerakan Masyarakat Peduli Kabupaten/Kota Sejahtera, tahun 2017.on google scholar id : https://scholar.google.co.id/citations?view_op=list_works&hl=id&user=NGNa-gkAAAAJ


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