Analyze on Social Insurance and Protection of Informal Workers

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Akhmad Purnama


This research means to know the beneficiary of New Initiative Social Welfare Insurance program on informal workers protection. The research is implemented in Pemalang Regency, Central Java Province. Data resources are participant and implementer of the program (LPA management team, program guides, and controller) all are 60 people. Data are gathered
through interview, documentary analysis, and focus group discussion. Data are analyzed through qualitative-descriptive technique. The result shows that New Initiative Social Welfare program is very beneficial for informal workers, create safety feeling for the participant and get income substitute should they face working accident and dye, reduce family bandage
and enhance lives needs normally. It is recommended that The Ministry of Social Affairs, through the General Directorate of Social Insurance and Protection resume the program for informal workers with low wage and widen the outreach of contribution assistance receivers (PBI). It needs also socialization and procures adequate facilities of the program holders.
It needs also joint-venture between The Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Insurance Board holder in covering health, working accident, and mortal insurance. The improvement of LPA role and guidance motivate low waged informal workers of the importance to participate in social insurance.

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How to Cite
Purnama, A. (2018). Analyze on Social Insurance and Protection of Informal Workers. Jurnal Penelitian Kesejahteraan Sosial, 14(2), 149–162.


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