Community Empowerment Model through Micro Scale Credit An Empowerment Case Study in Pandeglang Regency Banten Province

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Tri Gutomo


This research is done to know community empowerment process, supporting and handicap factors, a micro scale credit on enhancing community welfare, done by Micro Finance Institution (LKM) Baitul Mal Wa’tamil. The research location is  ditermined purposively, in Sukajaya Village, Cadasari Underdistrict, Pandeglang Regency. The research type is qualitative-descriptive with participative approach. Research subjects are LKM care takers and beneficiaries, an escort, four advisors from related institution, and group coordinator. Data are gathered trough interview, observation, focus group discussion, and documentary analysis techniques, and analyzed through qualitative-descriptive technique. The research
finding shows that community empowerment is implemented on the right target, through preparation and implementation as agreed. Community empowerment of he beneficiaries seen in the increment of income through business group (Kube) and productive-economy activities (UEP). The supporting factor are the spirit, dicipline, and motivation of the beneficiaries to enhance family economy. The handicap factor is there has not been yet a venture with finance institution, sort of banking in capitalization. It is recommended that the Ministry of Social Affairs, through General Directory of Social Assistance, implement empowerment program for micro scale business and revitalize local non-government organization (LSM) as an escort and a spear tip of poverty solution.

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How to Cite
Gutomo, T. (2018). Community Empowerment Model through Micro Scale Credit An Empowerment Case Study in Pandeglang Regency Banten Province. Jurnal Penelitian Kesejahteraan Sosial, 13(3), 307–318.


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