The Power of Drugs on Logic The Couse of Drugs Abuser Phenomena

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Sunit Agus Tri Cahyono


Drug abuse is an indication of someone with weak logic so that they are influenced by addictive substance and not aware its impact so far. If it is analogicalized, drug abuses are like ice berg phenomenon, quantitatively seen small form the top but many unseen at the bottom. Drug abuses qualitatively spikes, abused by all levels in society no matter its status. Men and women from childhood, youth, come of age, and aged. From the haves and haves-not, form rural till urban, from formal figures to labours. This research is to identify the main reason of abusing drugs, the kind of drug and its fruquency they use in a month, and its places where they do it. The method used in this research is descriptive-qualitative with 15 people as respondents, ex-abusers. The result shows that the ex-abusers abusing drugs because of external factors, friends influence, to be acknowledged by their group (Peer Group), and are not able to ward off group persuasion to use drugs as manifestation of comformity and solidarity. The consume mostly mariyuana, extacy, and heroin. They get firstly and mostly from friends (Peer Group) for free, then buy from friends, and through mediation. They mostly use with hypodermic needle (IDU), in boarding room, amusement centers sort of cafe, night club, and karaoke as balmy and peaceful places to consume drugs. It is recommeded that drug abuse prevention program should be intensified through anticipation, prevention (P4GN), and manifested through socialization, diffusive information, and rehabilitation to regeneration in family, academic environment, education, governmental agency, politician, entrepreneur, privat sector, law institution, and social worker to do real step to build community awarmeness of living healthily and free from drugs.

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How to Cite
Tri Cahyono, S. A. (2018). The Power of Drugs on Logic The Couse of Drugs Abuser Phenomena. Jurnal Penelitian Kesejahteraan Sosial, 13(3), 236–250.


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