Implementasi Model Pelayanan dan Perlindungan Sosial Balita TKW Keluarga Miskin pada Forum Tunas Pelangi di Kabupaten Malang Provinsi Jawa Timur

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Chatarina Rusmiyati


Social service and protection model on children underfive in poor women labor families is the implementation model of social service and protection to prevent any children underfive in poor women labor family form being neglected. The model was experimented in Donomulyo district, Malang Regence, East Java. The experimental subjects were 30 persons representing individual, societal group, non-government organization, and related institution having commitment on children underfive problems. The result showed that social service and protection model (through Tunas Pelangi Forum) could effectively prevent children underfive from negligence. That can be seen from Tunas Pelangi Forum action planning on early childhood education program (PAUD), especially through a class for children underfive in poor labor family area. PAUD activities accommodate children underfive of poor women labor family having no sibling from heir parents. The forum gives an oriented place and educational facility under social guidance and supervision, and nutritious foods supplement. The forum also gives social guidance to their parents and surrogate parents on the importance of family role and function for children growth and development. It is recommended that local government should legalize any existence of forum (support, enhance, establish, train) for the sake of professionalism on social service and protection on children underfive. Setting joint network with related institutions on neglected children underfive service and protection. The model can be disseminated in other areas according to its own character and condition.

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How to Cite
Rusmiyati, C. (2018). Implementasi Model Pelayanan dan Perlindungan Sosial Balita TKW Keluarga Miskin pada Forum Tunas Pelangi di Kabupaten Malang Provinsi Jawa Timur. Jurnal Penelitian Kesejahteraan Sosial, 12(4), 349–360. Retrieved from


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