Dinamika Sosial Nelayan Lamahala

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Robert Siburian


Fishing activity has been carried out by fishermen in Lamahala for a long time. It has even been their ancestor heritage for over hundreds of years who migrated from the Mollucas Islands in the north to the village of Lamahala in the southern hemisphere. The hereditary activity which has been carried out for generations can hold out because it is supported by the potential and abundant marine resources there, especially in the Sawu Sea and its surrounding areas. The meeting of two underwater currents, that drive the rising movement of water mass from the bottom to the surface layer of the sea, provides wealthy nutrition that can fertilize the waters which are useful for the growth of various planktons as the source of food for numerous fish species. The problem is the rich marine resources have not been able to raise the level of welfare to be better than before. In fact, it is no doubt that the courage of fishermen there to conquer the huge waves on the Sawu Sea is very high even though they only use a small boat and rely on natural signs so as not to be lost in the vast ocean. It seems that poverty will never get out of their life because of as much as 477 of 1,327 households in the village are still in the level of pre-prosperous family. Based on the reality of their current life, this paper attempts to explain the social dynamics of Lamahala’s fishermen.

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How to Cite
Siburian, R. (2018). Dinamika Sosial Nelayan Lamahala. Jurnal Penelitian Kesejahteraan Sosial, 12(1), 13–26. https://doi.org/10.31105/jpks.v12i1.1242


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