Strategi Active Ageing untuk Wujudkan Kualitas Hidup Lansia Indonesia


  • Toton Witono Ministry of Social Affairs, Republic of Indonesia


Ageing population, quality of life, active ageing, social work


Ageing population in Indonesia should be anticipated by a proper regulation and strategy with the purpose of ensuring their quality of life. Among others, active ageing is expected to be an appropriate concept for Indonesia. Since three decades ago, WHO has promoted this concept aiming at ameliorating older adult’s health, happiness, and well-being. The strategy of active ageing is also compatible with social work approach focusing more on the aged strengths than their negativity or deficit aspects. Moreover, both are identical in the way they emphasize on the elders’ autonomy and independence, participation, dignity, adopting life-course perspective that affirms different development for each older adult, capacity of social functioning, rights-based approach, and efforts to address prejudice and negative stigma concerning the age group.

Author Biography

Toton Witono, Ministry of Social Affairs, Republic of Indonesia

Center for Education, Training, and Development of Proofessions


