Upaya Penguatan Nasionalisme Warga Perbatasan Papua Indonesia


  • La Usman Kementerian Sosial RI


Nationalism strengthening, Papuan border residents, anthropologist approach


As a result of the central government's policies that focused on strengthening political integration in the past and the placement of border areas as backyards, it has had an impact on the backwardness of other Papuan border areas. In addition, the existence of transmigration policies and Forest Management Rights have added to the suffering of the residents. This condition has given rise to public distrust of the government. The question is how to increase the Indonesian nationalism of Papuan border residents. This study uses an anthropological approach with several techniques, namely: literature study, observation, interviews. After all the required data has been collected, it is described, analyzed and interpreted, and a conclusion is drawn. First, preserving local languages. Second, encourage the use of local community knowledge systems. Third, encourage local community social organizations. Fourth, encourage family-based economic activities. Fifth, encourage the use of living equipment systems and technology for residents. Sixth, encourage the preservation of local community trust. Seventh, activating art activities in border areas.

Author Biography

La Usman, Kementerian Sosial RI

BBPPKS Jayapura


